Hello Everyone! Today is my first post, true half the year is gone and I feel like I should of started this blog in January like I planned. Unfortunately Life gets busy and hectic and things dont go as planned very often. So here I am starting my blog at the end of June but better late than never. Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Crystal, I am currently living in Salt Lake City, UT after moving here from Bright and Sunny Southern California. I am absolutely Disney obsessed, I have loved it ever since I can remember. My Grandparents were at the Grand Opening of Disneyland in 1955, growing up listening to their magical stories and getting to go to this magical land only intensified my love for this wonderful dream of Walt Disney's. I'm 24 years old now, and if life has taught me one thing it is that there really is Magic in this world and you are NEVER ever to old to love Disney.

Disney is only part of my life though, the part of me that still believes that dreams come true and wishing on stars will give you what you want. I have a darker side. Not like sacrificing goats up to the almighty god Ra. I just really enjoy the Dark Side of things, I love spooky places and horror films, I also really enjoy the classic sort of horror, before it was just for a scream reaction. Like the 80's movie Fly, I still have nightmares about that movie. The anamatronics and attention to detail still astounds me! Horror movies were great before CGI, now most shows are so full of it that it takes down the quality of the movie. But enough about that! The real reason to start this blog is because I recently opened up my own crafting business and I wanted to share all my projects with everyone.